Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

One thing missing is passing information from the pipeline to the
For example if you write this pipeline:

<map:generate type="filteredFile" src="afile.xml">
<map:parameter name="a parameter" value="a value"/>

I assume that the src info and the parameters are passed to the "real"
generator which in this case is the file generator. Is it

possible to pass

info to the other components as well, so can I pass a parameter to the
xslt transformer?
I'm not sure if this is needed (or if it's FS); I have not

thought about it

but it immediately came up my mind :)

You really have to consider virtual components as "typed resources", this means we'll be able to pass parameters to these virtual components just a we do today for resources.

<map:serializer type="abs-html">
 <map:transform type="link-absolutizer">
   <map:parametrer name="base-uri" value="{site-root}"/>
 <map:serialize type="html"/>

and then :
<map:serialize type="abs-html">
 <map:parameter name="site-root" value=""/>

Ah, ok ,so the given example:

   <map:generator name="filteredFile">
    <map:generate type="file"/>
    <map:transform type="xslt" src="namespaceFilter.xsl"/>

wouldn't work as the file generator would get not src, it has to:
   <map:generator name="filteredFile">
    <map:generate type="file" src="{src}"/>
    <map:transform type="xslt" src="namespaceFilter.xsl"/>

<map:generate type="filteredFile">
<map:parameter name="src" value="some.xml"/>

The only problem is for the "src" attribute. Should we simply pass it as a "src" parameter ?

+1, yes because then it would look like this:

<map:generate type="filteredFile" src="some.xml"/>

How would you pass two or three src parameters?

which is much more convenient.

It could be convinient if it would work. But it does not.

 <map:generator name="filteredFile">
     <map:part src="a"/>
     <map:part src="b"/>
     <map:part src="c"/>
   <map:transform type="xslt" src="a.xsl"/>
   <map:transform type="xslt" src="b.xsl"/>

5 src attributes.


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