Steven Noels dijo:
> OTOH, I'm still seriously concerned with this happening, especially
> since I've seen this before. We (= the Cocoon PMC) have the duty to
> provide legal oversight over the ASF Cocoon codebase. For anything else
> than bugfixes and minor patches, especially for new code, we must ensure
>  copyright is correctly transferred, and that the ASF cannot be subject
> of patent infringement lawsuits, and all that. Hence the CLA all
> committers are supposed to sign and fax.

Yep. This is very important! We dont want to be involved in a case of
style SCO-IBM? Sometimes for us (developers), legal issues (licenses, etc)
are not important, but in the world we live we must take care of that. If
someone does not believe this just review the SCO-IBM case. Many companies
out there will be glad to hit ASF and if all ASF effort is destroyed by a
little mistake from us. So Steven advise is right.

As he told maybe the "style" as he addressed this concern was not the best
but it is still valid.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

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