Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> Steven Noels wrote:
> > Of course, I'm very confident that Carsten has done this with the best 
> > possible intentions, but "Contributions to the portal" is hardly an 
> > intuitive commit message, and a quick search for the three people 
> > involved didn't bring up much prior discussion on the lists.
> I also would like to see a bit more descriptive commit message. And may 
> be entry in status.xml too.
As long as the portal is alpha this would imho only mess up the status.xml.
As soon as it's not alpha anymore, yes, it makes sense to add everything
to status.xml.

> I noticed that jtidy has been moved out of html block and into 
> lib/optional. What will happen if I to remove jtidy from the 
> lib/optional? Will this break the build?
Yepp, you can see it in the gump.xml dependency description.


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