Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
> It was a long time since I last used the Avalon 
> instrumentation stuff, but it just seems like it's not 
> working anymore. I'm following the provided instructions 
> under tools/instrumentation, something is listening on port 
> 15555 as expected but the GUI seems just to sleep in a "Not 
> connected" status (and tcpdump shows very little, if any, 
> traffic on that port). Am I overlooking something?
> More in general, I'm wondering what is the overall status of 
> instrumentation and checking for community interest on this 
> particular topic. I don't quite understand what is the status 
> in Avalon-land of the instrumentation thingy, but it doesn't 
> seem quite active.
It's not an official statement but I think I read on the Avalon
dev list that instrumentation is dead, perhaps I'm wrong.

> OTOH, I start to think that this proprietary instrumentation 
> is a dead-end since it seems pretty clear that JMX is the way 
> to go. I'm wondering if there is any interest (and 
> kowledgeable people) in JMX-enabling Cocoon (for monitoring 
> and management purposes only). I think that Cocoon 
> deployments could benefit quite a bit from being properly 
> instrumented.
Yes, JMX is imho the way to go, so a general +1. I don't have
much knowledge of JMX, but I would assistent and help in such
an effort whereever I can.

The simple question is only, which version we would use as base,
I would suggest 2.2.


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