Ralph Goers wrote:

I second this opinion.  Our development is focused on using 2.1 since that
is what is available. Although we are many months from deploying I wouldn't
want to make a switch to 2.2 that late in the development.  We have a
requirement to be able to instrument as much as possible, so getting a
handle on pool sizes, etc. would be very valuable. We have a requirement to
do this through JMX, so I'm definitely up to doing some work on this. This
task is actually already on my schedule for the week after next.

As for how hard it is, you just create Mbeans that monitor and manage
things. As long as they can call methods that get and set the needed
information you're set.

Yeah, well... that's as easy as it can be. However, I was looking for something a bit more intelligent so that we don't have to write MBeans for everything. I was looking into dynamic MBeans, which look like a quite different beast to manage. Do you have any experience on that?


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -  http://www.pro-netics.com
Orixo, the XML business alliance - http://www.orixo.com
    (Blogging at: http://www.rabellino.it/blog/)

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