Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Ralph Goers wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

So let's switch Cocoon to Maven ;-)

I wish it was that simple. I looked at it a month or so ago. A royal PITA. Unfortunately, I also think it is very necessary. We really need to get the 3rd party jars out of our download.

-1: Complete download must stay.

You can add another download option, though, if wanted.

Looking at the source of the uberjar plugin, here's what it looks like to copy all dependencies before making the big distro archive:

   <!-- Copy each dep to our working dir -->
   <j:forEach var="lib" items="${pom.artifacts}">
<j:set var="dep" value="${lib.dependency}"/> <j:if test="${dep.getProperty('uberjar.bundle')!='false'}"> <j:if test="${dep.type =='jar'}"> <ant:copy tofile="${libdir}/${dep.artifact}" file="${lib.path}"/> </j:if> </j:if> </j:forEach>


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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