Le 14 oct. 05, à 15:46, Peter Hunsberger a écrit :

....Following this thread, I wonder if if might not work well to combine
the move to Jira with the so called "bug amnesty"?  You'd e-mail
everyone with an open bug that it was being moved to the new system
and if they where still interested in it they should re-open it in the
new system.  You'd have to give them the link or number to find it in
the new system, but by re-opening it you'd get what ever e-mail was
given on the re-opened bug (force them to enter one perhaps?) and the
users would have the new number (and be exposed to the new system)....

Let me reformulate, I like the idea:
a) move issues to jira first, set bugzilla readonly

b) do the cleanup in jira, which will send the emails to people with links to jira

c) people go to jira to confirm or close the issue.
The issue includes a backlink to the old bugzilla issue (according to Jeff Turner elsewhere in this thread, but http://issues.apache.org/jira/ is down currently, I cannot check) in case they want to check the info.

Is that what you mean?

The only downside is that people need to create an account jira first, before they can confirm or close their issues. But I agree that it's good to expose people to the new system.

I don't know if jira is as good as bugzilla for mass operations (i.e. "set all open issues which were entered before Sept 1st to LATER / P5), I'll check as soon as it is back.

...BTW personally; "bug amnesty" sounds strange, I don't think it really
conveys what you are trying to achieve...

The name's been changed to "bugzilla issues cleanup" since, see [1]


[1] http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=112929331400001&r=1&w=2

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