> > Hmm, Jakarta RegExp does some things different and IMO much better then
> > java.util. Even if it is retired that does not mean it is not worth
> > using it, more since this way the component works exactly as in our
> > prior versions. Not sure when I will find the time to look into a
> > rewrite to use java regex.
> I second Francesco that we should get rid of Jakarta RegExp before 3.0.
> In the long run will pay off to use a good standard rather than a better 
> non-standard.
> When you say Jakarta does it different and better do you refer to the API or 
> the regexp syntax?
> If it is just converting the API calls, I can help.
> I wonder whether for the average user it would not be more convenient if 
> DirectoryGenerator would accept the same Ant-style globs as map:match rather 
> than full-blown Perl-style regexps.

I agree that using standards is better more if we can drop some deps.
Like pointed out before I will try to look into it but it is ATM not
very high on my crowed TODO list.

I guess it is not that difficult and maybe a fine contribution for
someone from the community. Hey we are always looking for new

Thorsten Scherler <thorsten.at.apache.org>
codeBusters S.L. - web based systems
<consulting, training and solutions>

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