Am 09.09.2011 10:33, schrieb Thorsten Scherler:
Hmm, Jakarta RegExp does some things different and IMO much better then
java.util. Even if it is retired that does not mean it is not worth
using it, more since this way the component works exactly as in our
prior versions. Not sure when I will find the time to look into a
rewrite to use java regex.
I second Francesco that we should get rid of Jakarta RegExp before 3.0.
In the long run will pay off to use a good standard rather than a better 

When you say Jakarta does it different and better do you refer to the API or 
the regexp syntax?
If it is just converting the API calls, I can help.

I wonder whether for the average user it would not be more convenient if 
DirectoryGenerator would accept the same Ant-style globs as map:match rather 
than full-blown Perl-style regexps.
I agree that using standards is better more if we can drop some deps.
Totally agree!

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