Pardon me for pulling this thread up again, I havent read anything about
"Commons Geometry" since long (or may be I missed any other disscussion? ).
is someone working on this ? what is the final decision ? I'm having good
amount of time to spend on this now, appreciate If someone direct me to
correct disscussion thread I think I can help here.
It took me half hour to read all old mails but dont see final verdict,
though I was in favour with Maven modules but after reading all again  I
think Gilles approch is more practicle here and If no one is working I can
submit something to review.


On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 4:44 AM, Gilles <>

> On Tue, 12 Sep 2017 13:07:24 +0200, Jochen Wiedmann wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 12:50 AM, Gilles <>
>> wrote:
>> Because of "Commons" rules, it is not "equivalent": There was
>>> a long thread concluding that all modules must be released
>>> _together_, and with the same top-level package name and version
>>> number.
>>> It is very "maintainer(s)-unfriendly" because of the quite
>>> different subject matters that coexist in CM.
>> I wouldn't count that rule "*all* modules must be released" as a mantra:
> I found the idea attractive, but Stian (link to older discussion
> in a previous post) advised that maven would not easily "support"
> it.
> Has that changed since the discussion took place (10 months ago)?
> a) In case of an emergency release (fixing a CVE, for example), I'd
>> clearly consider pushing out the module as more important than waiting
>> for a full release. (Of course, one must be careful to maintain
>> compatibility when pushing out just a module, but that goes without
>> saying.)
>> b) I'd like to hear others experiences on that topic (maybe VFS).
>> Anyways, my personal experiences with Rat are clear: Releasing *all*
>> together is causing nothing but pain, and tends to defer releases
>> indefinitely. OTOH, releasing a submodule can be done at all times,
>> and without overly much preparation.
>> In conclusion, I'd definitely support the release of a single
>> submodule, if the need would arise.
> How can one reconcile what you say here with what was said in
> that old thread?
> Would the PMC accept that a component contains independent modules
> (where "independent" means that each module can have its own version
> number, irrespective of the component's version)?
> Arguably (cf. thread referred to above), a "Commons" component
> should be simple enough that multiple versions are not necessary.
> [Chorus:] This is not the case with "Commons Math", hence separate
> components for independent contents (such as "Geometry", "RNG",
> "Numbers" and "SigProc") is the simplest solution.
> Gilles
> Jochen
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