
I've been using GitHub actions for a while now, and it works fine. It's really 
handy to have CI and code in GitHub. I believe even users not using GitHub 
(i.e. no GitHub account) are able to access the CI logs, just like Travis.

I never gave much thought to the Coveralls and JaCoCo issue. I'd be fine with 
either, as long as they report the same values (I have an issue with Python 
coveragepy and Codecov, as their reported numbers may not match)


On Thursday, 23 July 2020, 7:48:37 am NZST, Gary Gregory 
<garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote: 

Hi All:

There are three build systems available to us:

- Apache Jenkins
- GitHub Actions
- Travis CI
- Plus, *your *PC (that one does not really count.)

We have components building here and there, with multiple components
building on multiple systems.

My main driver is that we already use GitHub for source mirroring and PRs,
so it feels better to me to have builds in the same place.

I propose we default to GitHub while allowing each component to do whatever
it wants. Specifically, I would like to drop Travis CI and use GitHub where
both are used by a component.

A tangential issue is whether to use or keep on using Coveralls and
whether that can be made to play with GitHub or if we should just use
JaCoCo all over even though I am uncertain as to the liveliness of the
JaCoCo project.

Thank you,

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