We just went through this with Log4j and decided that the Tidelift model
was not compatible with Apache. Hopefully someone on our PMC can provide a


On Sun, Feb 27, 2022, 17:06 Roman Shaposhnik <r...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi!
> over the past couple of years there has been a number
> of efforts trying to figure out effective ways of getting funded
> for working on ASF projects as individuals and not employees
> at companies building on top of these projects.
> Chris's recent experience is but one of them:
>     https://lists.apache.org/thread/momxgzzyq03lz54knvzhxm16r8j40vog
> My personal frustration with all these threads is that we never
> seem to arrive at any actionable suggestions for how developers
> like Chris can *easily* create these additional income streams.
> Rightfully, we at ASF basically say that it must be a 3d party issue
> to solve. It very much is. The problem is that doing so one one-off
> just perpetuates the logistical pain of setting up contracts, etc. etc.
> This creates a pretty significant barrier and, as Chris's experience
> would suggest it typically becomes too insurmountable for individual
> developers.
> Sure, there have been interesting attempts to "hack the system"
> and use things like GitCoin, BugMark and a few others to solve for
> this "how do we get back to our open source roots when individuals,
> not corporations were the economic agents around open source".
> But I honestly don't know of any of them becoming viable either.
> At least not so far.
> At the risk of tilting at windmills once again, I'd like to see if there's
> enough interest to take a crack at this problem yet again.
> And in the spirit of "hacking the system" I'd like to suggest that we
> focus on a 3d party solving it for us. In fact, I suggest we pick a
> very particular 3d party -- TideLift
> https://support.tidelift.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406293106324-Quickstart-guide
> Now, before you exclaim "who the heck appointed TideLift to solve it for
> us?"
> I'd be the first one to admit that I picked them because I know them
> really well and I do think they are the closest to giving us some of the
> answers.
> But above all, I'm suggesting we look at TideLift because they seem to
> be very much willing to work with us on actually changing their engagement
> model to fit our needs. IOW, it is not like their rules are cast in stone
> -- we can
> assume they are malleable. If anyone knows of a similar 3d party -- let's
> discuss
> that too.
> If, however, there's a general consensus about seriously looking
> at them as that 3d party -- I'd like to start collecting names of ASF
> developers (and PMCs) who would be willing to participate in
> a trial program with them of sorts and report back.
> If you have comments on anything above -- please reply in-thread.
> If you'd be interested in this trial -- you can either do that or just
> reply to me personally.
> Thanks,
> Roman.

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