bsloane1650 commented on a change in pull request #259: Incremental progress on 
schema compilation space/speed issue.

 File path: 
 @@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+ suiteName="expressions3"
+ xmlns:tdml="";
+ xmlns:xsi="";
+ xmlns:xs="";
+ xmlns:dfdl="";
+ xmlns:dfdlx="";
+ xmlns:ex="";
+ xmlns:fn="";
+ defaultRoundTrip="true">
+  <tdml:defineSchema name="s1" elementFormDefault="unqualified">
+    <xs:include 
schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd" />
+    <dfdl:format ref="ex:GeneralFormat" lengthKind="delimited"/>
+    <xs:group name="g">
+      <!-- 
+        The path expression below is going to have different type
+        elements for the different instances of this group in the 
+        final schema. 
+        Ultimately they all are converted to string.
+       -->
+      <xs:sequence>
+      <xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{ ../foo/bar }">
+        <xs:element name="c1" type="xs:string" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1" />
+        <xs:element name="c2" type="xs:string" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="2" />
+      </xs:choice>
+      </xs:sequence>
+    </xs:group>
+    <xs:element name="r">
+      <xs:complexType>
+        <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="|">
+          <xs:element name="e1">
+            <xs:complexType>
+              <xs:sequence>
+                <xs:element name="foo">
+                  <xs:complexType>
+                    <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="|">
+                      <xs:element name="bar" type="xs:string" />
+                      <xs:group ref="ex:g" />
+                    </xs:sequence>
+                  </xs:complexType>
+                </xs:element>
+              </xs:sequence>
+            </xs:complexType>
+          </xs:element>
+          <xs:element name="e2">
+            <xs:complexType>
+              <xs:sequence>
+                <xs:element name="foo">
+                  <xs:complexType>
+                    <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="|">
+                      <xs:element name="bar" type="xs:int" />
+                      <xs:group ref="ex:g" />
+                    </xs:sequence>
+                  </xs:complexType>
+                </xs:element>
+              </xs:sequence>
+            </xs:complexType>
+          </xs:element>
+        </xs:sequence>
+      </xs:complexType>
+    </xs:element>
+ </tdml:defineSchema>
+  <tdml:parserTestCase name="test_polymorphic_expr_1" model="s1" root="r"
+    description="Polymorphic path expression">
+    <tdml:document>1|a|2|b</tdml:document>
+    <tdml:infoset>
+      <tdml:dfdlInfoset>
+        <ex:r>
+          <e1>
+            <foo>
+              <bar>1</bar>
+              <c1>a</c1>
+            </foo>
+          </e1>
+          <e2>
+            <foo>
+              <bar>2</bar>
+              <c2>b</c2>
+            </foo>
+          </e2>
+        </ex:r>
+      </tdml:dfdlInfoset>
+    </tdml:infoset>
+    <tdml:warnings>
+      <tdml:warning>should be manually cast</tdml:warning>  
+    </tdml:warnings>
+  </tdml:parserTestCase>
+  <tdml:defineSchema name="s2a" elementFormDefault="unqualified">
+    <xs:include 
schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd" />
+    <dfdl:format ref="ex:GeneralFormat" lengthKind="delimited"/>
+    <xs:group name="g">
+      <!-- 
+        The path expression below is depending on the ability to 
+        compile polymorphically. The expression ../foo/hdr is always an int.
+        The expression ../foo/bar is a string, or an integer depending on 
+        the context. 
+       -->
+      <xs:sequence>
+      <xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{ 
+         xs:string(if (../foo/hdr eq 1) 
+           then xs:int( fn:round( xs:double( ../foo/bar) ) )
+           else xs:int( fn:round( xs:double( ../foo/bar) ) + 1 ) )}">
+        <xs:element name="c1" type="xs:string" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1" />
+        <xs:element name="c2" type="xs:string" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="2" />
+      </xs:choice>
+      </xs:sequence>
+    </xs:group>
+    <xs:element name="r">
+      <xs:complexType>
+        <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="|">
+          <xs:element name="e1">
+            <xs:complexType>
+              <xs:sequence>
+                <xs:element name="foo">
+                  <xs:complexType>
+                    <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="|">
+                      <xs:element name="hdr" type="xs:int"/>
+                      <xs:element name="bar" type="xs:float" />
+                      <xs:group ref="ex:g" />
+                    </xs:sequence>
+                  </xs:complexType>
+                </xs:element>
+              </xs:sequence>
+            </xs:complexType>
+          </xs:element>
+          <xs:element name="e2">
+            <xs:complexType>
+              <xs:sequence>
+                <xs:element name="foo">
+                  <xs:complexType>
+                    <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="|">
+                      <xs:element name="hdr" type="xs:int"/>
+                      <xs:element name="bar" type="xs:int" />
+                      <xs:group ref="ex:g" />
+                    </xs:sequence>
+                  </xs:complexType>
+                </xs:element>
+              </xs:sequence>
+            </xs:complexType>
+          </xs:element>
+        </xs:sequence>
+      </xs:complexType>
+    </xs:element>
+ </tdml:defineSchema>
+  <tdml:parserTestCase name="test_polymorphic_expr_2a" model="s2a" root="r"
+    description="Polymorphic path expression">
+    <tdml:document>1|1|a|2|1|b</tdml:document>
+    <tdml:infoset>
+      <tdml:dfdlInfoset>
+        <ex:r>
+          <e1>
+            <foo>
+              <hdr>1</hdr>
+              <bar>1.0</bar>
+              <c1>a</c1>
+            </foo>
+          </e1>
+          <e2>
+            <foo>
+              <hdr>2</hdr>
+              <bar>1</bar>
+              <c2>b</c2>
+            </foo>
+          </e2>
+        </ex:r>
+      </tdml:dfdlInfoset>
+    </tdml:infoset>
+  </tdml:parserTestCase>
+  <tdml:defineSchema name="s2b" elementFormDefault="unqualified">
+    <xs:include 
schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd" />
+    <dfdl:format ref="ex:GeneralFormat" lengthKind="delimited"/>
+    <xs:group name="g">
+      <!-- 
+        The path expression below is depending on the ability to 
+        compile polymorphically. The expression ../foo/hdr is always an int.
+        The expression ../foo/bar is a string, or an integer depending on 
+        the context. 
+       -->
+      <xs:sequence>
+      <xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{ 
+         xs:string(if (../foo/hdr eq 1) 
+           then xs:int( ../foo/bar )
+           else xs:int( ../foo/bar + 1 ) )}">
+        <xs:element name="c1" type="xs:string" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1" />
+        <xs:element name="c2" type="xs:string" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="2" />
+      </xs:choice>
+      </xs:sequence>
+    </xs:group>
+    <xs:element name="r">
+      <xs:complexType>
+        <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="|">
+          <xs:element name="e1">
+            <xs:complexType>
+              <xs:sequence>
+                <xs:element name="foo">
+                  <xs:complexType>
+                    <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="|">
+                      <xs:element name="hdr" type="xs:int"/>
+                      <xs:element name="bar" type="xs:float" />
+                      <xs:group ref="ex:g" />
+                    </xs:sequence>
+                  </xs:complexType>
+                </xs:element>
+              </xs:sequence>
+            </xs:complexType>
+          </xs:element>
+          <xs:element name="e2">
+            <xs:complexType>
+              <xs:sequence>
+                <xs:element name="foo">
+                  <xs:complexType>
+                    <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="|">
+                      <xs:element name="hdr" type="xs:int"/>
+                      <xs:element name="bar" type="xs:int" />
+                      <xs:group ref="ex:g" />
+                    </xs:sequence>
+                  </xs:complexType>
+                </xs:element>
+              </xs:sequence>
+            </xs:complexType>
+          </xs:element>
+        </xs:sequence>
+      </xs:complexType>
+    </xs:element>
+ </tdml:defineSchema>
+  <tdml:parserTestCase name="test_polymorphic_expr_2b" model="s2b" root="r"
+    description="Polymorphic path expression">
+    <tdml:document>1|1|a|2|1|b</tdml:document>
+    <tdml:errors>
+      <tdml:error>Schema Definition Error</tdml:error>
+      <tdml:error>expression ../foo/bar</tdml:error>
+      <tdml:error>SignedNumeric</tdml:error>
+      <tdml:error>cannot be converted to xs:int</tdml:error>
+      <tdml:error>element bar with xs:int type at Location</tdml:error>
+    </tdml:errors>
+  </tdml:parserTestCase>
+  <tdml:defineSchema name="s3" elementFormDefault="unqualified">
+    <xs:include 
schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd" />
+    <dfdl:format ref="ex:GeneralFormat" lengthKind="delimited"/>
+    <xs:group name="g">
+      <!-- 
+        The path expression below is depending on the ability to 
+        compile polymorphically. The expression ../foo/hdr is always an int.
+        The expression ../foo/bar is a string, or a complex type depending on 
+        the context. So this shouldn't compile since you can't do math on 
+        a complex type. 
+       -->
+      <xs:sequence>
+      <xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{ 
+         xs:string(if (../foo/hdr eq 1) 
+           then xs:int( ../foo/bar )
+           else xs:int( ../foo/bar + 1 ) )}">
+        <xs:element name="c1" type="xs:string" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1" />
+        <xs:element name="c2" type="xs:string" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="2" />
+      </xs:choice>
+      </xs:sequence>
+    </xs:group>
+    <xs:element name="r">
+      <xs:complexType>
+        <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="|">
+          <xs:element name="e1">
+            <xs:complexType>
+              <xs:sequence>
+                <xs:element name="foo">
+                  <xs:complexType>
+                    <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="|">
+                      <xs:element name="hdr" type="xs:int"/>
+                      <xs:element name="bar" type="xs:float" />
+                      <xs:group ref="ex:g" />
+                    </xs:sequence>
+                  </xs:complexType>
+                </xs:element>
+              </xs:sequence>
+            </xs:complexType>
+          </xs:element>
+          <xs:element name="e2">
+            <xs:complexType>
+              <xs:sequence>
+                <xs:element name="foo">
+                  <xs:complexType>
+                    <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="|">
+                      <xs:element name="hdr" type="xs:int"/>
+                      <xs:element name="bar">
+                        <xs:complexType>
+                          <xs:sequence>
+                            <xs:element name="quux" type="xs:int" />
+                          </xs:sequence>
+                        </xs:complexType>
+                      </xs:element>
+                      <xs:group ref="ex:g" />
+                    </xs:sequence>
+                  </xs:complexType>
+                </xs:element>
+              </xs:sequence>
+            </xs:complexType>
+          </xs:element>
+        </xs:sequence>
+      </xs:complexType>
+    </xs:element>
+ </tdml:defineSchema>
+  <tdml:parserTestCase name="test_polymorphic_expr_3" model="s3" root="r"
+    description="Polymorphic path expression">
+    <tdml:document>1|1|a|2|1|b</tdml:document>
+    <tdml:errors>
+      <tdml:error>Schema Definition Error</tdml:error>
+      <tdml:error>cannot be converted to xs:int</tdml:error>
+      <tdml:error>Left operand for operator '+' must have numeric 
 Review comment:
   We should add this to the test; as this seems like a place where it would be 
easy to accidentally break our diagnostics without noticing.

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