I would first like to thank Frank Petters, Scott Carr, Jean Weber and 
Andrew Jensen for a warm reception and guiding me to this mailing list.

My name is Mariano Casanova and I would like to help in the development of
a mid-level tutorial for Base. I have drafted a proposal centered on the
problem of establishing and using primary keys for populating and
retrieving records in several tables. I understand that Jean has already
posted the outline. My goal is that anyone that can read and has access to
a computer with OOo (regardless of their scholarly level) could understand
and apply these notions. Teaming up with someone fluent in the current
version of Base is fundamental so I can make the proper questions, draft
the proper examples and have him/her review the technical aspects of the
tutorial. Jane has suggested Andrew Jensen for this task and I hope that
he will be interested.

I imagine that, as the writing progresses, it should be posted here. I
also imagine that any questions I could have should also be posted here.
If this is not the proper channel, please re-direct me.

Again, thank you for the very welcoming reception.

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