The tutorial is aimed to persons that have little or no knowledge in
database design and that need to develop a functional application of
mid-level complexity. This application would stand alone in their
computers (as opposed to becoming a front end for a MySQL application
harbored in some server with multiple users, for example).

Such a document would fill a huge, huge gap, speaking as someone who knows just enough about databases to get into trouble, and who gave up banging his head against the wall trying to get Base to do solve simple real-world tasks.

I hope that the tutorial will be based around a real, working downloadable database that actually does something useful, so that people can see how to implement something they will use in real life. Drew's tutorial example on oooforum was essential for me to get started, but it never quite made it all the way to completion as a database application, and I could never cross that last 20% of the distance to get Base to do what I wanted.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a complete working example is worth a whole book.


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