Hi Chris/team,

Since I’m going to be on vacation for the next two weeks I wanted to send out 
an update, etc.

I’ve committed a lot of things to the PR over the last couple of days and I've 
updated the wiki so hopefully the TODOs are accurate/complete 

To restate, IMO we’re working towards getting the PR in a good enough state so 
that we can merge it and then pretty quickly work on making a real release (if 
for no other reason as a forcing function since after the merge the old build 
tooling is broken).

A couple of higher priority TODOs that come to mind:
- Item 15.h getting the Edgent console working 
- Item 12.d DEVELOPMENT.md
- Item 10.c setup Nexus for receiving Edgent jars?
- Item 18 build requires Java7
- Item 8 Errors importing info Eclipse
- How much of a dry run of a release can be done before merging the PR - in 
order to really assess the state of things?
   Can we get as far as creating and actually staging fake-RC source bundles 
and jars… that can then be evaluated?

As another near-term sanity/progress check it would be great if another 
contributor/user could clone your repo 
<https://github.com/chrisdutz/incubator-edgent>) and then:
- git checkout feature/maven
- follow the info in the README in the top of the repo (not README.md) to build 
the Edgent SDK and then build and run some samples and report how it went.

It would then be double great if someone could start working on an new version 
of Getting Started (https://edgent.apache.org/docs/edgent-getting-started 
<https://edgent.apache.org/docs/edgent-getting-started>) appropriate for the 
new environment :-) … retaining the current version as is.

— Dale

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