
> All of the FlexUnit code on Open@Adobe appears to be under BSD.
> Therefore, two scenarios are "ok"
> 1) The code on Open@Adobe is being used without modification
> 2) The code was modified by DP folks.
As Mike stated the code was modified from FU 0.9 by Digital Primates. Mike can 
you reconfirm this is the case?

I have also since modified this code to have the correct trademark statement 
and a link to flex.a.o.

> It is important to verify that the copyright license text is not MPL.
> Different rules apply there.
It clearly states BSD - why do you think it may be MPL?

> And we need to double check on whether the header can be replaced or not.
Not sure re that. The BSD license say nothing on that mater just that the 
copyright notice be included we are already doing that. How do we resolve this?


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