On 9/7/16, 1:11 AM, "Greg Dove" <greg.d...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I can see advantages either way, but had assumed that longer term it may
>advantageous to keep the AST/Typed AST more 'pure'

What do you mean by "pure".  That it is a direct result of the parsing?
We don't have to finish this discussion now, I just want to stick in the
back of my head for a while.

>Re : "It is a convenience feature: the compiler could just report an error
>saying you can't use [Bindable] on Objects."
>I guess that is always another option. :)
>[Bindable] implicit implementation was many times overused by some Flex
>developers in the past, I was probably guilty of this myself in the early
>days. But it is quite handy and quick sometimes, so long as you know the
>implications of its use/abuse. And if it is taken away now I am pretty
>sdk users will ask for it back ;)

I wouldn't take away the [Bindable] on Objects feature, I was just
pointing out that it really is a shortcut to writing the proper source
code.  If I could, I would actually have the compiler alter the source
file.  Otherwise, imagine how surprised you are when you see a call to
super() or debug into super() and it doesn't go to Object.

IMO, implementing [Bindable] by hacking the AST is sort of like having a
preprocessor phase (which the former Falcon engineers were very much
against).  I still ponder the notion of metadata-as-macros and having
[Bindable] be one of them.

>For the patch mentioned below, will you apply that to develop? Or do you
>want me to do that sometime tomorrow?

Now that you are a committer, you can do it yourself!


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