On 1/12/17, 12:46 AM, "carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
<carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of carlos.rov...@codeoscopic.com> wrote:

>We need some strategy, and we must think about what others are giving in
>comparison with us.
>In LTE I think our solution win, but right now is complicate convince
>business to choose us over Angular/React, since is world trending.
>So I'm with Chris that we need to give things others doesn't have, for me
>maven is one of that things, but is something in the backstage.
>We need more things on that make us different. One of those things is AMF,
>and since many Flex apps out there have it is a key point to make them
>to FlexJS.

I guess I'm wondering why folks chose Flex in the first place.  Was it
some cool feature?  If so, what was it?  My assumption has been that the
real reason folks chose Flex (or maybe the reason they stayed) was about
Developer Productivity.  A feature fight will be very difficult for us to
win without more contributors.  Any feature we can produce as an advantage
would likely be short-lived:  the other frameworks will simply produce the
same feature.

But we can win or at least compare more favorably on helping you get your
app into production faster and having fewer maintenance issues because we
are a single-source provider of both a declarative language and an
object-oriented language and have a tool chain in our workflow.  And, I
still believe that having a SWF version of your app will be very valuable.
 For those who are interested in modules, without the runtime verification
that Flash has, you will be at the mercy of any synchronization issues
between the code that loads the module and the code in the module.  Flash
will tell you right when the module loads that it doesn't meet the
interface contract.  When will you find out when running just in JS?

My 2 cents,

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