Hi Alex,

thanks, I know start to remember. That two scaffold projects was created by
me in February and I left it incomplete and created based on PKumar and
Chris Dutz help. Is great that you get it to work! :)

Know I'm trying to build with maven, so I put all 3 repos in brach
"feature/amf", update to latest commit and build the 3 repos with "maven
clean install". Then build "RemoteObjectAmfTest" and the java one

I then run "man spring-boot:run" on SampleAmfWebApp and that creates a
Jetty instance with that app deployed.
Then run RemoteObjectAmfTest and write something in first text input and
hit Button "send name to AMF"

In my mac terminal console I get:

2017-09-05 19:23:33.521  INFO 38753 --- [qtp651097767-13]
    : Channel endpoint websocketAmf received request.

But nothing on the browser. The same happened if I hit "Get Array OF Value

I think I didn't reach to get that console input when I left this test in
February, But did you get some result back to the browser? I understand by
you other emails that you get the String and the Array of VOs back to the


Carlos Rovira

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