Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> DC> I am saying that decisions should be reached
> DC> through consensus rather than competition.
> DC> In this case, it would be better to evolve the
> DC> Forrest description until it is suitable.
> I can see what David is saying. Though it wouldn't hurt if more people
> voiced an opinion and stated which text we should continue refining.
> Or - like David - proposed another version to discuss.

It it hard to get opinions flowing.

One aspect of the Apache Way is for developers to just
get in and do it. Those who care, and find the time,
will pitch in to help. Others will just let those
who are doing it get on with the job, and will just
speak up when they see a key element going astray.

> Just calling a vote might end that debate and leave us short of an
> optimal solution (which is more important than 50 word suggest).

That is a very good point. Discussion should happen during
the proposal phase to arrive at a good solution. If a vote
is considered to be needed, then that is called at the end
to be sure that people are happy with the direction.

If a vote is called too early, then either it stifles
the solution or just more discussion happens, mixed up
with the actual vote and the proposal changes under
our feet. Messy.

In the end, we want to just get on and produce our work
as efficiently as possible, with as little beauracracy
as possible.


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