Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 5:26:10 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

>>>>> However, nothing in your email indicates that RedHat has any
>>>>> interest in donating the tool to the ASF.
>>>> Nick Boldt was positive about the idea, and he has CC-ed to some
>>>> others as well (some are legal guys I presume), and also it was on
>>>> jbosstools-dev (a public list), and so far there was no negative
>>>> reactions, except that they don't want much work with this. So, if
>>>> this is to progress anywhere, I believe first we have to tell them
>>>> what exactly they had to do, and then they can make up their minds.
>>>> Actually, they are waiting for me to tell if ASF wants this at all,
>>>> and how.
>>> Do you mean the 'individual contributors' by them?
>> I mean the guys working at RedHat / JBoss Tools.
> Then it should be easier than I thought, they are still all
> employees of RedHat? I guess not but the number of people having
> left RedHat must be less than 8 and so it could be easier than
> expected

No, I just said above that by "they" in "they are waiting" I meant the
JBoss Tools developers (they are RedHat employees). Nothing has
changed since I have simply counted the unique e-mail addresses from
the commits and reported the numbers here.

 Daniel Dekany

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