

Matt Hogstrom wrote:

Jason replied on another thread that he prefers to stay with 1.2 for the release.

Here is the proposed nomenclature

trunk        (stays 1.2 but is completely replaced with branches/1.1)
branches/1.1    unchanged
branches/dead-1.2 (is  a copy of the original trunk)

I think that incorporates the thinking so far.  I like it.


Matt Hogstrom wrote:

I would like to make the following changes to the dev tree for Geronimo. Assuming there is concurrence and no objections I would like to:

 move geronimo/trunk to geronimo/branches/oldtrunk
 copy geronimo/branches/1.1 to geronimo/trunk
Update trunk to version 1.3. I think 1.3 is a better choice to avoid any confusion over our old 1.2

 I'll plan to do this on Wednesday morning at 0300 PT.

 Other thoughts welcome.


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