On Dec 11, 2006, at 1:41 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

On Dec 11, 2006, at 12:16 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:
On Dec 11, 2006, at 10:52 AM, Paul McMahan wrote:

I'm in favor of a single version for all specs. Versioning the specs
individually has some advantages but makes the release manager's job
more difficult since the tooling doesn't readily support that

Um.. that's not true. Maven has full support for this. Also it doesn't make the release manager's job harder.

Sure it does Dain, running one set of `mvn release:prepare && mvn release:perform` vs, running one per spec module. That is significantly more work for the latter.

You are implying that we tend to release gobs of specs at one. The reality is specs rarely change and when we do find a problem it is with one module not everything.

Also, if you consider hooking up this process to a build automation tool, so that each build gets released by that tool, then the specs project effectively needs to get split up into a project per- module, which is a bunch of unneeded overhead.

Only the specs being worked on would need build automation, and event then I would suggest G never uses SNAPSHOT specs. Instead when the specs are mostly complete we release a M1 and when they are finished we release 1.0. In that case no automation is necessary.


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