On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 7:57 PM Nick Couchman <vn...@apache.org> wrote:

>> I think the new versioning scheme still seems sensible, but following
>> 1.1.0
>> I suggest we consider whether we should adopt a branching scheme like you
>> mentioned before. It would be nice to rely on being able to always produce
>> bugfix/minor releases without breaking compatibility.
> Agreed, and, until we do handle the branching scheme, we need to be
> looking really close at any commits we make to insure that we're not
> Introducing changes that will impact compatibility, or, if we do, that
> we're introducing the necessary changes to keep things
> backward-compatible.  Just something for all committers to be aware of at
> this point.
>> Our issues with producing a release following 1.0.0 are more with the
>> current existence of an incompatible change on master (and the upgrade
>> headache that implies for any users affected by bugs in 1.0.0), not with
>> the numbering.
> Sounds good.
> -Nick

So, I think we've probably had enough time to at least catch the biggest
bugs in 1.0.0 and get those into JIRA, and I think many of those have been
squashed.  Are we good fixing 1.1.0 release at the following list of issues:


And moving forward with the release?  By this list we have 17 issues
needing to be finished up prior to cutting the release.  There are several
PRs waiting for reviews to be finished up - any of the committers who can
jump on and do reviews, your help would be greatly appreciated!

Any others that we think should get added to the next version?


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