> >
> > So, I think we've probably had enough time to at least catch the biggest
> > bugs in 1.0.0 and get those into JIRA, and I think many of those have
> been
> > squashed.  Are we good fixing 1.1.0 release at the following list of
> issues:
> >
> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/GUACAMOLE/versions/12343049
> >
> > And moving forward with the release?  By this list we have 17 issues
> > needing to be finished up prior to cutting the release.  There are
> several
> > PRs waiting for reviews to be finished up - any of the committers who can
> > jump on and do reviews, your help would be greatly appreciated!
> >
> +1
> > Any others that we think should get added to the next version?
> >
> I'd suggest also including:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GUACAMOLE-696 - "Apply database
> groups if authenticated user matches database user"
> and:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GUACAMOLE-715 - "Permission
> management based on LDAP groups not working as documented"
> Both of which are issues encountered with the new user group support
> following release of 1.0.0. The former is a point of confusion which
> has resulted in a few threads on the mailing list, while the latter is
> a legitimate bug in the way delegated authentication is handled by the
> database auth (it still assumes there will be a corresponding database
> user).

Agreed - I've added both of these to 1.1.0 in JIRA.  If anyone has any
objections, don't hesitate to speak up, but it would be good to adjust
behavior and/or fix these bugs so as to avoid further confusion.

> I'd also say let's add the FreeRDP 2.0.0 support to the scope, and try
> to buckle down and get it done. It's becoming increasingly critical,
> particularly for downstream Linux distributions that wish to drop
> support for older FreeRDP releases. I think I should be able to manage
> it within February:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GUACAMOLE-249

Okay, sounds good.  I've also added this to the 1.1.0 release in JIRA.
This brings us to 56 total issues, with 17 remaining to complete.  Several
of those are in progress and can be closed out as soon as code is reviewed
and merged.


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