
This is something that has been bothering most of us. Should we call
Helix *"cluster
management framework"*? Its a framework alright, but is it cluster
manager?- I am not sure. Cluster management is a broad term and can mean
different things to different people. But the most common understanding of
cluster management term is managing a set of machines and starting/stopping
processes on those machines. In other words, it cluster management is
synonymous to a deployment solution.

Because of this terminology, Helix is often compared with Mesos/YARN/Ambari
and other frameworks that manage the start/stop of processes. I have
answered this at
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16401412/apache-helix-vs-yarn but every
one i talk to ask the same question again and again. For e.g. some one
asked if they can put together a Hadoop Cluster using Helix. Here is the Hadoop
ecosystem table <http://hadoopecosystemtable.github.io/>where Helix is
labelled as system deployment.

I feel the best way to clear this confusion is re-brand Helix as something
else that  helps one understand what it is and when can some one use it.

What do others think. Any suggestions on what we should re-brand it as?

Kishore G

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