On Thu, 26 Apr 2007, Jim Jagielski wrote:

I'm actually looking at removing the whole glob stuff
and emulating it as regexes...

Wouldn't apr_match_glob() be a better starting point? I don't really see the point of going via regexes...

I was thinking for 2.0.x compatibility...

Wouldn't it be better to focus on 2.2.x and onwards? OK, there's a lot of people still running 1.3 and 2.0, but that doesn't mean that we have to make it run on all of them...

I'm all for focusing on getting it usable for 2.2+, and if people really want the httpd-tree mod_ftp that bad they can see it as yet another good reason to upgrade. There's a lot of work that needs to be done in order to have mod_ftp usable, and making the code more complex in order to support the previous stable httpd version doesn't really sound that appealing.

Not that I'm against backward compatibility, but I'd prefer seeing a clean design for the current/future httpd version and the compat stuff handled by wrapper functions stashed in a mod_ftp_20compat.c or something like that.

In any case, as long as the code is readable and works. The current mod_ftp globbing stuff is simply a mess.

 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n}.umu.se      |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reality is for people who can't handle Star Trek.

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