On May 11, 2007, at 5:23 PM, Mladen Turk wrote:

Jim Jagielski wrote:
   1. ProxyPass /foo/* balancer://bar
      should silently rewrite itself to
       ProxyPass /foo/ balancer://bar
      In other words, we already assume a prefix
      glob.  But should we? In other words,
      there is no difference between /foo/ and /foo/*.

If you are trying to mimic the mod_jk behavior

Actually, I'm not since it would break existing
ProxyPass usage...

This should be of course the balancer://bar/i/j/jim.gif
Once again, if you wish to mimic the JkMount.

Yes, that's my thoughts...

However I'm not sure how would ProxyPassReverse fit in there.

And of course once you introduce wild char maps there must
be some sort of exclusion rules.

ProxyPass already has that.

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