On May 12, 2007, at 3:46 AM, Ruediger Pluem wrote:

Do we really need this?
As we know from Rich's lightning talk at the ApacheCon every directive
can be replaced by a rewrite rule :-).

Except that mod_rewrite is not balancer aware... so using
rewrite rules uses the "default" reverse proxy work,
which, I think, diminishes its usefullness.

Sorry, but this is not true. You can do

RewriteRule ^/somewhere(.*) balancer://mycluster/somewhereelse$1 [P]

You're right.... I misspoke regarding the lameness of
mod_rewrite :)  Since mod_rewrite just tucks a 'proxy:'
in front, mod_proxy does the right thing... My mistake.

Still, just because mod_rewrite allows it doesn't mean we
shouldn't allow ProxyPass to do what's right. ;)

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