On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Bryan McQuade <bmcqu...@google.com> wrote:
> I propose providing an additional httpd.conf in the svn trunk and as
> part of future Apache releases that enables modules and directives
> that are commonly recommended on Apache performance tuning websites.
> This includes mod_deflate, mod_expires, etc. This will allow power
> users to continue to start with the current httpd.conf while typical
> users can just use the well optimized configuration.

An additional httpd.conf doesn't sound valuable to me.  What slice of
non-savvy users would scrutinize an alternate config file, can replace
the config file of their webserver, isn't using a webserver packaged
by their OS, and wouldn't have just gotten the same information today
from the manual and 400,000 other websites?

There's currently no <ifModule> bloat in the default conf, but you're
welcome to submit a patch that adds one for deflate or expires (latter
seems more unwise to me). See the "supplemental configuration" section
of the generated config.

This doesn't address mass-vhost companies failing to allow deflate
because it's not in the no-args HTTPD ./configure , which sounds
far-fetched to me.  I can't recall a users@ or #httpd user implying
being subjected to such a thing with their own build or with cheap

Eric Covener

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