On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 10:35 AM, Sergey Chernyshev
<sergey.chernys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, missed your reply originally. I would assume that it is possible to
> make configuration conditional and enable mod_gzip if zlib is available to
> help distribution builders like Red Hat make this decision to include the
> module?

Can you elaborate on this part?

mod_gzip is not part of the Apache HTTP Server source distribution --
it's third-party.  I'm assuming you meant mod_deflate.

mod_deflate, OTOH, is part of Apache, but it's also a part of every
binary distribution I can find to check (Ubuntu, RedHat, Novell,
Solaris, z/OS, ...).  Which distribution builders do you think have
this requirement?

Eric Covener

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