On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Eric Covener <cove...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Sergey Chernyshev
> <sergey.chernys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Why is it not enabled by default in the source distribution then if all
> the
> > packagers have it enabled.
> Assuming you mean "compiled by default".

Yes I meant compiled by default.
I'm sorry, I keep missing the terminology again.

> When you build Apache and
> don't ask for any specific modules, and don't ask for "most" or "all"
> modules, you get a very minimal httpd with a small number of modules
> statically compiled into your httpd binary.  It has external
> dependencies, and it's not required for a minimal server, so it's not
> in this lowest common denominator bucket of enabled modules.

I believe it's possible to check for dependencies and if they are available,
then have stuff enabled?

In this case it only concerns zlib, for expires and mod_rewrite there are
actually no dependencies as I understand, right?

OT: Please consider posting in-line instead of at the top of each
> thread, top-posting makes the discussion very difficult to follow.

Sure, I will.


> --
> Eric Covener
> cove...@gmail.com

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