
Sorry, missed your reply originally. I would assume that it is possible to
make configuration conditional and enable mod_gzip if zlib is available to
help distribution builders like Red Hat make this decision to include the

BTW, it beats me why zlib is not in distros by default - gzip seems like a
very commonly used process ;)

P.S. this problem does not affect mod_expires and mod_rewrite I was
originally talking about - both don't need any additional libraries as far
as I know.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 12:33 AM, Sander Temme <> wrote:

> All,
> I was once offered money to provide a high-performance Apache configuration
> file for a website.  When I pointed out that I would need to come in,
> analyze their app and its performance, and then iteratively tune the config
> accordingly, I was given to understand that this was not necessary.  Just
> send us the config, please.  They were highly miffed when I didn't lay that
> particular flavor of golden egg for them.  I actually got fired from that
> gig.
> On Jun 1, 2010, at 5:50 AM, Plüm, Rüdiger, VF-Group wrote:
> > And others have argued well to leave it off by default. My personal
> opinion is that we should leave it disabled by default for the reasons (CPU,
> Proxies, Browser behaviour, ETAG problem) mentioned by others.
> I thought it isn't in the default build because it requires an external
> library that may not be on the system.  If this is not of concern, we might
> as well turn it on in the default build.  Same for mod_ssl.
> Generally, I think we see the build and runtime configuration as a starting
> point from which to create your own environment, not a canonical default
> that is right for all (or even most) users.
> Distributors (Red Hat et. al.) should (and do) build httpd according to the
> capabilities of their environment.  If that environment includes libz and
> openssl, no reason why packagers shouldn't build those modules.  Including
> those features is good for their customers.
> As others have pointed out, a lot of performance tuning is highly site and
> situation specific.  Once again the default configuration file cannot be
> expected to cover all possible situations.  Deflate, caching, load
> balancing, proxying, content segregation, etc. can only be optimally
> configured only in the context of the individual deployment.
> If there were a silver bullet to making the web server "fast", don't you
> think we would have fired it some time in the past 15 years?  There is no
> such thing.  The only way to get a handle on it is to read the books, figure
> it out, or hire a consultant.  But don't expect him to lay any golden
> performance eggs.
> S.
> --
> Sander Temme
> PGP FP: 51B4 8727 466A 0BC3 69F4  B7B8 B2BE BC40 1529 24AF

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