On Sep 18, 2011, at 5:12 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

> On Sep 17, 2011, at 10:02 PM, Rich Bowen wrote:
>> On Sep 15, 2011, at 9:01 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
>>> I plan on push for a GA in Oct (of this year)…
>>> The only 2 showstoppers I see as "reasonable" are the
>>> documentation ones and the mod_fcgid one.
>> Could you enumerate what you feel is lacking in the documentation? I know of 
>> several modules that are effectively undocumented, and a few more that have 
>> minimal, but insufficient documentation. I'd like to hear your take on this. 
>> As always, I'm willing to whatever I can on the editing, formatting, etc, 
>> side of things, but the raw info needs to come from somewhere. Please let me 
>> know where I can be of assistance.
> Just the possible fact that some modules may not have doccos…
> Not sure if that is even the case (yet), but if there are mod's
> w/o docs, then we can't in good conscience ship the mods.

My current list is:

        - mod_serf
        - mod_watchdog
        - mod_heartbeat
        - mod_heartmonitor
        - mod_lbmethod_bybusyness
        - mod_lbmethod_byrequests
        - mod_lbmethod_bytraffic
        - mod_lbmethod_heartbeat
        - mod_socache_dbm
        - mod_socache_memcache
        - mod_socache_shmcb
        - mpm_simple

However, I will readily admit that I haven't had much time to work on docs the 
last month or two, so some of these many have been documented since then, and 
there may be others that I'm missing.

There's also mod_lua, which has many directives documented with "...", and I 
suspect that there are other modules in this same state.

Rich Bowen

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