On 19.09.2011 00:17, Rich Bowen wrote:
> My current list is:
>         - mod_serf

mod_serf likely to get dropped for 2.4, see our main STATUS file

>         - mod_watchdog

Mainly written by Mladen, so maybe he can provide a few pointers

>         - mod_heartbeat
>         - mod_heartmonitor

Those two were mainly provided by Jean-Frederic (AFAIR).

>         - mod_lbmethod_bybusyness
>         - mod_lbmethod_byrequests
>         - mod_lbmethod_bytraffic
>         - mod_lbmethod_heartbeat

Several people (including me) should be easily able to contribute to
those docs.

>         - mod_socache_dbm
>         - mod_socache_memcache
>         - mod_socache_shmcb

Not sure about socache, but docs are definitely needed, because you need
socache for mod_ssl session cache (which we also need to mention int the
mod_ssl docs).

>         - mpm_simple

mpm_simple likely to get dropped for 2.4, see our main STATUS file

> However, I will readily admit that I haven't had much time to work on docs 
> the last month or two, so some of these many have been documented since then, 
> and there may be others that I'm missing.
> There's also mod_lua, which has many directives documented with "...", and I 
> suspect that there are other modules in this same state.



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