On 08/03/2012 04:51 PM, Igor Galić wrote:
> I cannot seem to be able to find this stuff…

I have put together some of the scripts I use myself at
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/developer/lua.html but it's far from
done (and thus not linked to from any index page). Most of the scripts
are there, but I have yet to add actual explanations to the various
examples as well as add the map handler examples and some other things.

This page also holds all the functions that I have proposed to import
into mod_lua (unless someone objects to specific functions), so this
should answer Eric's question about documenting the functions as well.

I have chosen to add the functions to the existing apache2 library,
since the name makes sense. If there are no objections, I'll consider it
a lazy consensus :)

With regards,

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