How many Linux distros ship httpd 2.4?

Fedora 18 is their first release to include httpd 2.4.  Since Fedora is often 
an early adopter of new releases, I expect 2.4 hasn't trickled down to other 
distributions yet, e.g. RHEL, CentOS.

It looks like 2.4 has only got as for as Debian experimental:

Ubuntu haven't adopted it yet:

Of course the next question could be why have distros not adopted 2.4, is it 
just a matter of time or are there other factors?

> From: Kevin A. McGrail <>
>To:; William A. Rowe Jr. <> 
>Sent: Wednesday, 6 February 2013, 0:47
>Subject: Re: Apache 2.4 adoption
>I won't be able to make the session but would add that because of a lack of 
>mod perl support with 2.4, we have not fully embraced it. 
>Might be others in a similar boat! 
>"William A. Rowe Jr." <> wrote:
>I've found the following data summary very useful in terms of
>>drill-down capability;
>>while their breakdown/segmentation tabulations provide some
>>interesting data such as;
>>The very limited 'free' tabulation remaining from SecuritySpace 
>>seems to back up this assessment;
>>There seems to be a worthwhile discussion about the challenges
>>presented by 2.4 which have adversely affected its adoption, 
>>during the ApacheCon Hackathon Mon 2/25 in Portland.  I'd like
>>to set aside time about 11am for that discussion for anyone who 
>>wants to participate.
>>Once we take away some good information from that roundtable,
>>it would be worthwhile to hold a BoF later in the week especially
>>for end users who are looking at or challenged by adopting 2.4.

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