On 06 Feb 2013, at 12:22 PM, p...@talk21.com wrote:

> How many Linux distros ship httpd 2.4?
> Fedora 18 is their first release to include httpd 2.4.  Since Fedora is often 
> an early adopter of new releases, I expect 2.4 hasn't trickled down to other 
> distributions yet, e.g. RHEL, CentOS.
> It looks like 2.4 has only got as for as Debian experimental:
> http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=apache
> Ubuntu haven't adopted it yet: 
> http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=apache
> Of course the next question could be why have distros not adopted 2.4, is it 
> just a matter of time or are there other factors?

Speaking for myself, the major barrier to adoption for me is support by third 
party modules.

What I mean by "support" is that the third party module has completed httpd 
v2.4 support, and has made a formal release of code with this support in place, 
and that code is stable. Further to that, the dependent modules must also be 
available as OS packages. It has been many years since I deployed naked "make 
install" code onto a box, formal packaging and the ability to roll forward and 
roll back is mandatory for me, and it has taken a while for these packages to 


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