On Wed, 6 Feb 2013 10:22:45 +0000 (GMT)
p...@talk21.com wrote:

> How many Linux distros ship httpd 2.4?
> Fedora 18 is their first release to include httpd 2.4.  Since Fedora
> is often an early adopter of new releases, I expect 2.4 hasn't
> trickled down to other distributions yet, e.g. RHEL, CentOS.
> It looks like 2.4 has only got as for as Debian experimental:
> http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=apache
> Ubuntu haven't adopted it yet:
> http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=apache
> Of course the next question could be why have distros not adopted
> 2.4, is it just a matter of time or are there other factors?

That is part of what I'd like to learn Monday if any active distro
or packaging people are at the ApacheCon Hackathon.

I also wonder if this would have been different if the httpd project
had offered an rpm or apt-get packages, for example?  It seems like
there will always be a significant lag between a new major.minor
release and seeing it injected into the major distributions.

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