On 1 mei 2013, at 13:31, Graham Leggett <minf...@sharp.fm> wrote:
> The evidence was just explained - a bot that does not get an answer quick 
> enough gives up and looks elsewhere.
> The key words are "looks elsewhere".

For what it is worth - I've been experimenting with this (up till about 6 
months ago) on a machine of mine. Having the 200, 403, 404, 500 etc determined 
by an entirely unscientific 'modulo' of the IP address. Both on the main URL as 
well as on a few PHP/plesk hole URLs. And have ignored/behaved normal for any 
source IP that has (ever) fetched robot.txt from the same IP masked by the 
first 20 bits.

That showed that bot's indeed slowdown/do-not-come back so soon if you give 
them a 403 or similar - but I saw no differences as to which non 200 you give 
them (not tried slow reply or no reply). Do note though that I was focusing on 
naughty non-robot.txt fetching bots.


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