On Mon, 20 Feb 2017, Yann Ylavic wrote:

On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 10:11 PM, Niklas Edmundsson <ni...@acc.umu.se> wrote:
On Thu, 16 Feb 2017, Yann Ylavic wrote:

Here I am, localhost still, 21GB file (client wget -qO- [url]
Output attached.

Looks good with nice big writes if I interpret it correctly.

Is this without patching anything, meaning that AP_MAX_SENDFILE has no
effect, or did you fix things?

That's with unpatched 2.4.x.

Actually AP_MAX_SENDFILE seems to be used nowhere in 2.4.x code (but
in mod_file_cache, which I known nothing about, and is not widely used

Goodie. Just a confusing leftover define and a confused Nikke then ;)

Maybe you'd want to switch from 2.2.x? ;)

ftp.acc.umu.se is running 2.4.25, so we're pretty good on that front.

It would however help if I learn not to mistype/tab-expand myself into old directory trees and grep around in the historical archives when trying to look into the current state of things ;-)

So, to conclude: All is good on the http/sendfile front, nothing to see here, move along :-)

/Nikke - who apparently had Monday every day last week...
 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n}.umu.se      |     ni...@acc.umu.se
 Sculpture: mud pies that endure.

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