Your analysis matches mine, but we still have the open concern of your VS
import quirks around the expat library name. Ideas?

On Oct 15, 2017 03:20, "Steffen" <> wrote:

> In Apache.dsw is now  project xml  removed, it is not building out of the
> box with current released apr-util.
> With coming apr-util 1.6.1 it should be fine.
> On Friday 13/10/2017 at 15:20, William A Rowe Jr wrote:
> Is anyone seeing an issue of concern about stability on 2.4.x branch?
> Has anyone else looked at Jim's proposed fixes for xcode 9 building
> under maintainer mode? A couple-line quick fix to, that
> anyone on OS/X should be able to validate in minutes. The same fix
> is already present on APR's branches, which I will tag as well.
> I'll proceed to tag 2.5.0, and 2.4.29 after a couple hour comment
> period, so that the many proposed enhancements can be examined
> by alpha testers and our quick adopters of 2.4.28 can be back on track
> by early next week. That should simplify getting some of the more
> complex patches backported as necessary, or move us forward
> in any case.

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