On 4/19/2018 7:55 AM, Eric Covener wrote:
>> Again, this would be your burden and call until we have so much 
>> routine/automation that everyone can do it. So it needs to be your decision.
> No offense intended here, but I did not really see as many html /
> script / process updates as I had expected. I was hoping the new eyes
> would get some of this stuff more explicit so it wasn't such a
> mystery.

Totally my fault. I just pushed the last bit of the scripts (I had set a
TODO to do it after we had reviewed in on private@, but failed to
complete the TODO). I still owe doc updates AND the promised docker
image to make the endeavor completely trivial.... but basically, I've
distilled the process down to this set of commands from the tools directory:

./tag.sh 2.4.x $TAG /tmp/foo
./release.sh --latestapxxx --tag $TAG '' httpd-2.4 $TAG
./push.sh . $TAG dev
#Wait for vote
./push.sh . $TAG dist
#Wait for mirrors
./announce.sh $TAG 'drugg...@apache.org' 'Daniel Ruggeri'

The only hangup so far is when we merge in security fixes right before
announce - if the patch in the private repo doesn't merge into CHANGES
cleanly, we end up with confusing CHANGES entries. This can be resolved
by a manual check or even an immediate fix after the script is run.
There are also a few XXX and TODO sections that could be addressed with
some more sophisticated automation.

Daniel Ruggeri

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