On 18/06/2021 14.33, Eric Covener wrote:
On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 8:20 AM Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org> wrote:

On 18/06/2021 14.16, Eric Covener wrote:
I reviewed Christophes old post, I think we should proceed with the
ASF template and migration process. Worst case Christophe can still
apply what he has learned to further refine the output of the

I'll create an infra ticket to ask for the repo and migration on
Monday unless someone objects.

repo request is done via selfserve.apache.org

Since we do not use gitbox yet: So this would result in e.g.
github.com/apache/httpd-site and users can then choose to interact
with github or gitbox.a.o, right?


migrating the site (and using pelican/jbake/hugo??) is done also
self-serve-y via .asf.yaml - s.apache.org/asfyaml

A lot of info there, I see the pelican config stuff but can you give a
hint about the migration aspect there?

The migration would largely just happen automatically once .asf.yaml is in place and working. There is some httpd docs aliasing that infra needs to figure out, but that's tangential to this.

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