On Sun, Jun 20, 2021 at 3:25 PM Andrew Wetmore <andr...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi, Eric:
> Yes, committers can use either GitHub or Gitbox.
> I am not sure what the "can you give a hint about the migration aspect" 
> means. Maybe I was not clear. We have to move all projects off the Apache CMS 
> and to some other technology, such as Pelican. Infra can help with that move 
> to a Git repository. Sometime this summer the Apache CMS will stop 
> functioning, which would mean you would have a hard time updating your 
> website.

I was referring to  "...migration process available that could speed
things along." not the overall migration off the CMS.
Daniel referred to
but I didn't find any reference to "migration".

https://github.com/apache/httpd-site was created but it's empty.  I
was assuming we'd have some starting point based on the CMS-based site
content and whatever additional template/scaffolding is needed that
we'd be able to see w/o replacing our currently published site.
I don't want anyone to start from scratch if there's a better way to
get started.

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