On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 3:49 AM ste...@eissing.org <ste...@eissing.org>

> Additionally, we need to clarify with ASF and ISRG if this needs some sort
> of
> paperwork. Since the ISRG repository uses the Apache license, in my naive
> world
> view, this should be quite an informal process. But I do not really know.

We have numerous copies of permissive-licensed code within our
repositories, and that is fine as long as no such code is "more restrictive
than the ALv2". Since the existing mod_tls is provided under ALv2, then no
additional paperwork should be required. We are merely using that code
under the license provided.

The real question is whether the files to be imported into our repository
have headers that specify copyright held by others. For that, we need to
get the copyright owners' approval to replace that with our standard header.
(if we want to change them; we could simply copy from upstream, or change
if the locus of development is our repository)

There is likely some other page talking about permission to switch out the
copyright header, but I don't have that link handy.


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