I've made progress on Bugzilla -> GitHub migration.

Frankly speaking, I'm not comfortable refactoring/maintaining Python code
(which is what many projects use to migrate off Bugzilla),
so I created Kotlin-based project so the data and fields are typed:

For now, it can download bugs and it can parse XML.
It stores the summary in a local database (
https://github.com/JetBrains/xodus), so it can skip bugs based on change
It is tempting to spawn a web UI that would serve the received bugs from
the same database :)

The next steps I plan to follow are:
* Implement batched downloader (ASF imposes 45 requests per 180 seconds
limit), so it downloads 100 or 500 bugs in a single HTTP request
I'm going to use multi-bug requests like
* Add authorization (Bugzilla returns truncated results for unauthorized
* Add regexp processing so JMeter bugs look better in GitHub formatting.
* Do something with attachments. We could either link files via
bz.apache.org/... URLs (I don't know if it would work),
or we could create a separate jmeter-bug-attachments repository, we could
migrate Bugzilla attachments there,
and then we reference the images and files from that repository via
Creating jmeter-bug-attachments repo would require slightly more work,
however, then we lose nothing if Bugzilla dies.

Let me know if you want to get your hands dirty on that.


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