Hi Pau,

On Friday, 2010-04-30 09:24:57 +0200, Pau Iranzo wrote:

> · There is no name on the language list for Valencian. I had to figure
> out that the option "unknown" referred to Valencian. I would recommend
> to use the name Catalan (Valencian) as it is being used on other free
> software projects. Anyway, Valencian is OK too.

The current ISO code mapping ca-XV is a workaround for UI translation
only and not to be written to documents, as the ISO 3166 XV code is
user-assigned and not suitable for data exchange between applications.
There will be no Catalan Valencian language list box entry until OOo
will support BCP47 language tags. For character attribution,
spell-checking and number formatting use Catalan, which maps to the
ca-ES locale.


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