On Mar 17, 2011, at 9:45 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

> by thta same rationale, we don't need to include javadocs in any release, 
> because you could always find them online (and if i wanted to be snarky: 
> you could always go find the java source itself online too)

I'm tempted to +1 both those things. But okay - lets distrib all this crap and 
provide it online as well - and lets dance and juggle to get one form to the 
other - but please, oh please, can we stop distributing the website in the 
release. Including the PDF's of the website. This is a pain in the ass to have 
to update and then include in the release as an RM - it's not worth its weight 
IMO. Disengage from Forrest ... disengage....

- mark
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